Late For Dinner. Again.
I knew my wife was getting fed up with me, but I didn't
know to what extent. Knowing that she would just be pissed off
if I told her that I was working late, I didn't even bother
to call her. As soon as I entered the kitchen she slapped me
across my face. "That's for being late. Now I want NO back talk
and just do as I say!!", she ordered. I was then told to strip
and face the wall. She then grabbed my wrists and cuffed me
behind my back. Maybe this wasn't going to be so bad, I mused.
"I am tired of you being constantly late. I'm always waiting around
for you. I worked hard today and I expect to be treated with respect.
You don't know what its like to always wait for you but you will find
out tonight." She leads me to the middle of the room and tells me to
stand there. She grabs a large duffle bag and pulls out several rolls
of plastic wrap. I'm ordered to put my legs together. She proceeds to
wrap my legs together, starting at my ankles and working her way up.
I instantly get a hard on. She leaves a hole for my now throbbing cock.
My handcuffs are undone and I'm to to leave my arms at my sides. She
continues to wrap my body in the plastic wrap. Wrapping my arms and
upper body into a cocoon. Now securely wrapped in plastic from my
shoulders to my toes, I'm told to stand right there. She leaves the
She reappears wearing a black rubber catsuit with open nipples and a
zipper thru the crotch. I am told that I will refer to her as my
Mistress for the rest of the night. With my mouth still taped shut
all I could do is nod O.k. My Mistress pulls out another roll of
plastic wrap. She tells me she needs to make the wrap tighter so
I cannot move at all. Starting at my shoulder My Mistress wraps me
again but this time she stretches the wrap as tight as she can. I
feel my body slowly being compressed as she pulls the wrap tight all
the way down to my ankles.
My Mistress now pulls a roll of duct tape from the duffle bag and
proceeds to put tape on top of the plastic wrap. By the time she
was finished I could only move my head. From my neck down my body was
completely immobilized. Again she gets the plastic wrap out and tells
me my head is now to be encased in plastic. She wraps my head in
several layers of plastic only leaving a small nose holes for me
to breathe through. I could no longer see clearly as the layers of
plastic clouded my view. I felt a tugging at my head. She was taping
my head up.
I could not believe it. I screamed, but only a small muffled sound
emerged from my taped mouth. All of a sudden it went dark, she had
taped over my eyes. I could not even move my head. She pushed me over
and I fell on the bed. She pushed me to the center of the bed. She
said: "I am going to eat dinner now, you can eat your dinner when I
have finished with you. See how much you like waiting for something."
"It seemed like hours later that I heard the front door open. Then
I heard foot steps in the room. All of a sudden I felt someone grab
my cock and stroke it. Instantly it became hard again. Then I felt
that warm moist feeling on my throbbing cock as she slide down on me.
She moved rhythmically up and down my cock. I was terribly excited.
Just as I was about to cumm, she stopped. She said " you must
please me before you can cumm."
I could not move, I could not utter a sound and my heart was pounding.
My mind was going a million miles a minute. The next thing I felt was
a tugging at my head. I could see a glimpse of light. She was removing
the plastic and tape from my head. My head was now free again. She
proceeded to remove the tape from my mouth. She was still wearing
the black rubber cat suit but now I could see her pussy, for the
crotch zipper was undone." It's my turn for pleasure." she exclaimed.
>From the duffle bag she pulled out a funny looking rubber hood. The
only opening was at the mouth of the hood, to which a pair of female
briefs were attached. She proceeded to put the briefs on over the
catsuit making sure the mouth opening for the hood was right at her
clitoris. She stepped up on the bed and knelt down right over my
face. Grabbing my head she shoved the rubber hood on me. With my head
encased in a rubber hood and its only opening at her clitoris, my
body encased in plastic cocoon, I had no choice but to perform
cunninglus on my Mistress. She steadily became more excited when
suddenly the full weight of her body came down on my face. I could
not breathe, but I continued to lick her clitoris. I started to run
out of air and I tried to move my head to get some air. She held my
face tight with her thighs. I became desperate, I jerked my head
violently from side to side trying to get some air. As I almost
passed out she came violently. I felt a warm gush as my mouth filled
with her juices. She immediately raised up and I gasped the air.
She removed the hood from my face.
She went over to the duffle bag and pulled out a black rubber bulb
with a tube and pump attached. "I have a present for you" as she
smiled. The bulb was placed inside my mouth. She slowly inflated
the bulb. My mouth began to stretch, she continued to inflate the
bulb till my mouth could not stretch any further. With me silenced
once again, a pair of scissors was used to free me from the plastic
wrap and tape.
I was ordered to stand up and lean over the table by the wall. I
could here my Mistress pulling on rubber gloves. A cool ointment
was applied to my anus. First she inserted one finger, then two.
She worked the two fingers in and out for a while. Then then I
felt the third finger go in. I arched my back to escape the
invading fingers, but to no avail. With a sudden jerk she pulled
all her fingers out at once, at the same time I heard a loud pop.
With one swift motion she picked up a vibrating butt plug and
shoved up my ass. It burned as my sphincter muscle was stretched
to its limit. I groaned, but no sound could escape the inflated
rubber bulb.
I was told to stand at the foot of the bed. My Mistress left the
room and reappeared with a one piece rubber garment. It had an
attached hood with tubes at the nose holes. It also had mouth
and eye openings. The garment was wide at the shoulders and narrow
at the feet. She unzipped the garment, the zipper went from the
top of the head to the middle of the back. An additional zipper
was on the front of the garment right at the crotch. I was told
to step into the garment. As I did, she guide my arms into sleeves
that were on the inside of the garment. The garment was pulled up
to my shoulders. She zipped up the garment stopping at the back of
my neck. The rubber gag in my mouth was then deflated and removed.
The rubber hood was then pulled over my face and the rest of the
zipper was zipped shut. I could see my self in the wall mirror. I
looked like a shiny black mummy. She undid my crotch zipper and
pulled out the battery pack for the butt plug. With that out, the
zipper was closed up again.
I was then pushed over. I feel to the center of the bed with my face
towards the ceiling. The vibrating butt plug was the turned on. My
mistress wished me a good night and told me if I was good she would
let me cumm in the morning, if I didn't complain. As she shut the
door my body exploded with pleasure. I could not take it any more.
I would be punished in the morning for cumming with out permission.
I was exhausted. When the batteries in the butt plug finally died
I feel asleep in ecstasy.
?1997, 1998 Standard Internet Corp.